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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara is working to revive our cultural heritage. We remain committed to ensuring our reo programmes strengthen excellence on our paepae. We also provide support to our mahi toi programme to revive the skills of raranga and whatu.


In a momentous return to our roots, members of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara embarked on a profound journey to Waikarakia, a site of significant spiritual and historical importance to our hapū. This visit was not merely a trip; it was a journey to the place where Kahumatamomoe, during his travels with Tia, performed a sacred act of cleansing through karakia. Carrying a tapu, Kahumatamomoe paused at the puna, at the base of Horohoro maunga, and washed his hands, an act of spiritual significance that led to the naming of the stream as Waikarakia.

This journey to Waikarakia and the accompanying wānanga offered more than just a chance to learn; it was an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors, to connect with the land and its pūrākau on a personal level. Each step taken was a step back in time, a chance to honour and remember those who came before, and to carry forward the legacy of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara for future generations.

The haerenga to Waikarakia was made possible through the support of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, highlighting a collaborative effort to reconnect with the past. The haerenga to Waikarakia was part of a series of wānanga, and explorations of other significant taonga and cultural sites in our rohe, including Patetere, Te Ara Kari a Tūtānekai, and Horoirangi. These wānanga provided an invaluable opportunity for hapū members to be immersed in the stories, whakapapa, and landscapes that tupuna once navigated.


In the early hours of Saturday morning, members of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara assembled, with a singular purpose: to return to Patetere South. This land, woven into the very fabric of our identity, awaited our footprints once more, echoing the legacy of our tupunas. Supported by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, this journey was more than a visit—it was a journey, a collective step towards embracing and retracing the steps of our tupuna.

Tupuna like Te Aokawhai, Haukapuanui, and Tangiharuru once walked these lands, setting the foundations of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara’s enduring connection to Patetere South, Tikorangi, and Horohoro Mountain. These leaders guided their people through times of peace and conflict, securing the lands that would nourish and sustain their descendants. The stories of their battles, victories over Ngāti Haumia, and settlements are treasured by the tribe for generations.

As the roopu passed over the land, echoes of the past surrounded them. The architect’s description of kainga sites, of kumara pits, and pataka brought history to life, forging a timeless link between the present and the past.

This expedition to Patetere South was part of Ngā Tapuwae ō Tātou Tūpuna a series of wānanga to explore significant taonga and cultural sites within our rohe, including Waikarakia, Tihi-o-tonga, and Horoirangi. It offered an opportunity for the hapū to immerse themselves in the whakapapa, stories, and landscapes that have shaped our history.

Hinengāwari weavers

Hinengāwari Weavers was developed after the successful delivery of wānanga toi in 2019-2020 sponsored by Creative NZ. The wānanga were held face to face, in home and individual tutoring. Four mediums waiata, 3d art, taonga puoro & raranga were delivered to the descendants of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tūara. Hinengāwari, one of our kaitiaki from our lands would protect and guide us through this kaupapa. The completion of this kauapapa was celebrated at an exhibition held at Flux Gallery, Pukuatua Street Rotorua.

Since this time I have had the previledge of delivering raranga to my people, every 4th weekend we stay at our marae to create, re-educate, revitilise and empower one another through traditional and contemporary arts.

In July 2021 we successfully delivered kete whakairo for Ministers in Wellington, supporting Te Arawa River Iwi Trust. The kete were gifted from TARIT to the Ministers which was positively recieved. My vision for Hinengāwari Weavers is to support the many entities within our hapu lands.

To unite the many in our hapū through raranga, through mahi toi to thrive not just survive.

Weaving has been dormant in our hapu for almost 5 decades, many of us are descendants of the weavers of yesteryear Ngamihi Heta, Hana Pou, Matehaurangi George, Ngamihi Trisna Eru to name a few. We intend to tell their stories through mahi toi for our future generations.