Whai Rawa
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara strategy to grow our asset base has two strands:
Financial investments and Growing our asset base our asset base by reclaiming our mana whenua to lands within our traditional rohe.
Financial Investments
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara has funds invested with two fund management companies.
Investment Committee
The Rūnanga has appointed an Investment Committee to provide advice on the Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara investments and strategy going forward. The team comprises:
- Kapua Bargh: Kapua graduated with a Masters of Applied Finance from Victoria University in 2004 and has worked in investment companies in London, Sydney and Hong Kong.
- Charles Kaka: Charles has 17 years CEO experience across both the commercial and not for profit sectors. This has involved roles in NZ, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
- Mark Milroy: Mark is a lawyer engaged in practice since 1985. He has been a sole practitioner in his own firm since 2000 and a partner in another firm since 2004.
- Bayley Waudby: Bailey is a Business Management Studies graduate from the University of Waikato majoring in accounting. He worked as a financial auditor at PWC for three years from 2018-2021 before subsequently moving into his current position at ANZ.
To Mātou Whenua
Reclaiming and retaining ownership of land and other resources is important for our iwi historically and culturally as well as financially. Our focus has been on reclaiming Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara land and resources as they will form the foundation of our economic revival.
- Today Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara owns about 1,600 hectares:
- Te Paiaka Lands Trust farms at Tihi-o-Tonga and Horohoro
- A number of farms owned by whanau trusts at Horohoro
- 586 hectares in Horohoro Bush and Mountain Reserve
- Karamu Takina Water Reserve at Tihi-o-Tonga; and
- 17 other significant sites, designated as Māori reservations.
Through the Treaty settlements process entered into as part of Te Pumautanga o te Arawa (TPT) and the Central North Island Iwi Collective (CNI), there is an opportunity for Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara to have some of our customary lands returned.
Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara will remain involved in farming and forestry while embracing other business opportunities as they arise. Monies received from our Treaty settlement will be invested in growing these opportunities.
Karamu Takina Spring
E rere ana te hau mai i Horohoro ki Tihi o Tonga
Ko Horoirangi te mauri, nōna te makurutanga o te whenua
Ko Te Whetengu te pā ki runga
Ko Te Utuhina te awa ki raro
Ko Karamu Tākina te puna manawa whenua
Ko Ngāti Kearoa, Ngāti Tuara te hapū
Ko Te Arawa te iwi
The Karamu Takina Spring at Tihiotonga is of great cultural and spiritual value to Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara.
Originally, Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara owned and occupied lands from Horohoro to the edges of Lake Rotorua. An important source of water and a wahi tapu was the area of the springs (Te Mawae Spring and Karamu-Takina Spring) on the Tihiotonga A block, which is now part of Te Paiaka Lands Trust farm.
In 1954 the Rotorua Borough Council asked the iwi if the Spring could be used to provide water for the growing town. Our tupuna agreed but asked that the land surrounding the Spring be leased not sold. Despite their request, 3 acres was ‘purchased’ for the sum of 500 pounds. In the following years more land was taken under the Public Works Act till the Council ‘owned’ nearly 6 hectares.
Now, nearly 70 years later, the land has been returned to the iwi and Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara are in the process of establishing a co-management arrangement for the Karamu Takina Spring which provides about 90% of Rotorua city’s water.
Robyn Bargh, Runanga Chair said: “We’re willing to support the council but we must retain our mana whenua over our land and resources for future generations.”

Te Paiaka
Lands Trust
Te Paiaka Lands Trust is the Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara farm trust. The Trust’s vision is to be ‘a self-sufficient and diversified business based around an economic and sustainable farming operation that continues to provide opportunities for the benefit of the hapū’.
Te Paiaka Lands Trust manages 712 hectares of land at Tihi-o-Tonga and Horohoro. Of the 712 hectares, 350 hectares is farmed as a drystock operation with dairy grazing. An additional 131 hectares of land on several blocks is leased for drystock farming. The total number of stock units wintered is around 6,700, comprising 15% sheep, 30% own cattle and 55% dairy grazers.