NCEA and the Whānau


Next Wednesday 7th May @ 5.30pm @ Te Roro o te Rangi Marae, Ohinemutu we will be having an NCEA and the Whanau workshop presentation.

The purpose of this workshop is to inform our parents and whanau about how NCEA works.

Please encourage as many whanau members as possible to come along and learn about NCEA and to ask as many questions as they like about NCEA.

The presentation will start at 5.30pm and finish at about 6.15pm.

There will be a kai provided at the conclusion of the presentation.

  • What: NCEA and the Whanau workshop
  • When: Wednesday 7th May 2014 @ 5.30pm
  • Why: To inform all of our whanau about how NCEA works and why it is important
  • Where: Te Roro o te Rangi Marae, 22 Ariariterangi Street, Ohinemutu
  • Cost: Nil

For catering purposes, please RSVP me via email or text on 021 0202677 if you and your whanau will be attending this important presentation.

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