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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

On 4 June 2022 the Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga brought our taonga (Horoirangi and 3 toki) to Kearoa Marae.

Horoirangi is an atua wahine, a revered kaitiaki of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara. Her care ensured the fertility and protection of the lands around the ancient pa Te Whetengu, at Tihi-o-Tonga.

The stone image of Horoirangi was carved into a cliff at Tihiotonga many generations ago till she was removed for safe keeping by Manahi Rangiriri in the 1920s. She is now cared for by the Rotorua Museum on our behalf.

The day started at the Rotorua Museum Offsite Storage facility where staff and Pukenga Koeke members were joined by Whaea Aroha Yates Smith and Manahi Bray to accompany Horoirangi onto the marae. Manahi Bray is a former Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara Pukenga Koeke representative and also the great grandson of the koroua Manahi Rangiriri, who removed Horoirangi from the cliff face on Tihi-o-tonga all those years ago.

Manaakitanga, aroha, whanaungatanga were the guiding principles for the day and this was reflected in the kōrero about Horoirangi, the whenua, the iwi and the connectedness of all three.

