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Ko Te Horohoroinga o ngā ringa o
Kahumatamomoe te maunga
Ko Pōkaitu te awa
Ko Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara te hapū
Ko Te Arawa te iwi



Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

Who We Are

We are Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara of Te Arawa. We celebrate our whakapapa from our tupuna Kearoa and Tuara and the legacy that our tupuna have left us.

Our traditional rohe extends from Horohoro to Tihiotonga, Pukehāngi Tarewa, and Patetere. We continue our strong connection to our whenua and to our whānau, hapū and iwi.

Recent News

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

Matariki ki Horohoro

In the early hours of 24 June 2022, Ahenata-May Daniels led a group of intrepid Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara members who braved a Horohoro frost to climb to the ridge on our Te Oha farm to observe Matariki. Here is her story.

For the past 3 years I had been navigating my own Matariki experiences and learning about my own taiao. Stargazing the sky that I live under and slowly understanding what it means to me.

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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara


In the early hours of Saturday morning, members of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara assembled, with a singular purpose: to return to Patetere South. This land, woven into the very fabric of our identity, awaited our footprints once more, echoing the legacy of our tupunas. Supported by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, this journey was more than a visit—it was a journey, a collective step towards embracing and retracing the steps of our tupuna.

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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

Hinengāwari Weavers

Hinengāwari Weavers was developed after the successful delivery of wānanga toi in 2019-2020 sponsored by Creative NZ. The wānanga were held face to face, in home and individual tutoring. Four mediums waiata, 3d art, taonga puoro & raranga were delivered to the descendants of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tūara. Hinengāwari, one of our kaitiaki from our lands would protect and guide us through this kaupapa. The completion of this kauapapa was celebrated at an exhibition held at Flux Gallery, Pukuatua Street Rotorua.

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Our Partners

Te Runanga o Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara is affiliated to and/or works closely with the following organisations:

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara partner Te Pumautanga
Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara partner Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara partner DOC