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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

In a momentous return to our roots, members of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara embarked on a profound journey to Waikarakia, a site of significant spiritual and historical importance to our hapū. This visit was not merely a trip; it was a journey to the place where Kahumatamomoe, during his travels with Tia, performed a sacred act of cleansing through karakia. Carrying a tapu, Kahumatamomoe paused at the puna, at the base of Horohoro maunga, and washed his hands, an act of spiritual significance that led to the naming of the stream as Waikarakia.

This journey to Waikarakia and the accompanying wānanga offered more than just a chance to learn; it was an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors, to connect with the land and its pūrākau on a personal level. Each step taken was a step back in time, a chance to honour and remember those who came before, and to carry forward the legacy of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara for future generations.

The haerenga to Waikarakia was made possible through the support of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, highlighting a collaborative effort to reconnect with the past. The haerenga to Waikarakia was part of a series of wānanga, and explorations of other significant taonga and cultural sites in our rohe, including Patetere, Te Ara Kari a Tūtānekai, and Horoirangi. These wānanga provided an invaluable opportunity for hapū members to be immersed in the stories, whakapapa, and landscapes that tupuna once navigated.
