

The Rūnanga continues to support initiatives which revive our cultural heritage. We remain committed to learning our traditional kōrero and ensuring our reo and tikanga programmes to strengthen excellence on our paepae. Our kapa haka team are growing our expertise as well as our repertoire. Our mahi toi programme focuses on reviving the skills of raranga and whatu. Our two waka tētē ensure that hapū members are able to continue our skills on the water.

Te Whakamaru
o Horohoro

Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara has a vision of creating a sanctuary – restoring the forest and the birdsong of Horohoro maunga, Te Horohoroinga o nga ringa o Kahumatamomoe.

Since 2018 we have been working towards restoring and protecting the forest. Our research showed that there are high numbers of possums,
rodents (rats and mice) and mustelids (ferrets and stoats) on Horohoro maunga. Our goal is to reduce the numbers of these pests to allow our native forest to regenerate and our native birds to flourish.

During this work we also discovered that there is a population of longtailed bats (pekapeka) on the maunga. Pekapeka are very rare so this has been an exciting find and has motivated us to work harder to protect this taonga species.

A pest control programme is underway on the 568 hectares Horohoro Bush and Mountain Reserve and — ha of conservation land on west of the maunga.

We would like to acknowledge the support and funding we have received for this project from Department of Conservation, Waikato Regional Council and Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust.

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara nursery

Native Tree Nursery

The Rūnanga and Te Paiaka Lands Trust set up and jointly manage the Horohoro Native Tree Nursery. The nursery was established in 200? and all plants grown at the nursery are eco-sourced from the Horohoro and Tihio- Tonga areas.

The nursery continues to grow in size with an increase in the number of trees being produced and an increase in the range of native trees being grown.

The nursery’s markets include other iwi trusts, councils, governmental agencies as well as private landowners.

We would like to acknowledge the support and funding we have received for this project from Te Arawa River Iwi Trust.

Te Mana o te Wai

Ngati Kea Ngati Tuara is working to clean up the waterways in Horohoro as part of the wider goal to clean up the Waikato River. Over the last few years our enviornmental team has been clearing and planting waterways on some of our hapū farms in Horohoro.

In 2018-2019 water monitoring of the Pokaitu Stream was undertaken, the results showed that tributaries of the Pokaitu Stream contain an unacceptable level of farming nutrients. This baseline data allows us to
work towards reducing those nutrients.

The plants for these projects are sourced from our own native plant nursery.

We would like to acknowledge the support and funding we have received for this project from Waikato River Authority, Te Arawa River Iwi Trust and Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust.

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara
Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara microhydro

Micro-hydro Plant

As part of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara plans to be self-sufficient and environmentally sustainable, the iwi set up a Microhydro plant in December 2013, partly funded by Te Arawa River Iwi Trust. It is located at Kearoa Marae, on our awa Pokaitu, above the waterfall, Te Arero.

The Microhydro utilises water from Pokaitu to generate enough power so the marae and the iwi-owned farm behind the marae are almost self-sufficient in electricity.

Recent Stories

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara is working to revive our cultural heritage. We remain committed to ensuring our reo programmes strengthen excellence on our paepae. We also provide support to our mahi toi programme to revive the skills of raranga and whatu.

Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara


In a momentous return to our roots, members of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara embarked on a profound journey to Waikarakia, a site of significant spiritual and historical importance to our hapū. This visit was not merely a trip; it was a journey to the place where Kahumatamomoe, during his travels with Tia, performed a sacred act of cleansing through karakia.

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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara


In the early hours of Saturday morning, members of Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara assembled, with a singular purpose: to return to Patetere South. This land, woven into the very fabric of our identity, awaited our footprints once more, echoing the legacy of our tupunas. Supported by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, this journey was more than a visit—it was a journey, a collective step towards embracing and retracing the steps of our tupuna.

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Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara

Hinengāwari Weavers

Hinengāwari Weavers was developed after the successful delivery of wānanga toi in 2019-2020 sponsored by Creative NZ. The wānanga were held face to face, in home and individual tutoring. Four mediums waiata, 3d art, taonga puoro & raranga were delivered to the descendants of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tūara. Hinengāwari, one of our kaitiaki from our lands would protect and guide us through this kaupapa. The completion of this kauapapa was celebrated at an exhibition held at Flux Gallery, Pukuatua Street Rotorua.

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